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Prof. Dr. Regina Beets-Tan, MD, PhD, chairs the Department of Radiology at The Netherlands Cancer Institute in Amsterdam. Her clinical expertise is oncological and abdominal imaging. Her own research is in colorectal cancer imaging. Regina Beets-Tan is the Scientific Director of the European Institute for Biomedical Imaging Research, former president of ESR, ESGAR and ESOI and member of the EU mission board for cancer. She believes that a multidisciplinary approach to treatment is the key for better patient outcomes.

Prof. Thomas H. Helbich MD, MSc, MBA, is Vice Chair of the Department of Biomedical Imaging and Image guided Therapy of the Medical University of Vienna. His main field of research interest are clinical and experimental investigation on a cellular and sub-cellular level to diagnose breast cancer. He is PI or Co-PI of several research grants among them several EU grants (VH-PRISM, HYPMED, MURAB, CANCERSCAN). He served as the president of several medical societies (EUSOBI, ÖSG, vfwf).

Prof. Marie-Pierre Revel is currently Full Professor of Radiology at Université de Paris Cité, Head of the Radiology department at Cochin hospital, APHP Centre. She is past president and honorary member of the European Society of Thoracic Imaging and has an internationally recognized expertise in thoracic imaging. She is very involved in the screening of lung cancer by low dose CT.

She is co-chair of an ERS (European Respiratory Society) task force on the management of positive lung cancer screening results.

Prof. Christian Loewe is the chairman of the Division of Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology at the Medical University of Vienna. The main focus of his clinical and scientific work is on noninvasive cardiovascular diagnostic imaging. He is chairperson of the National Society Committee of the European Society of Radiology (ESR) and member of the Executive Council of ESR. He is deputy director of the European School of Radiology (ESOR) and the current President of the Austrian Roentgen Society.

Prof. Pedro Vilela is the chairman of the Neuroradiology Department of Western Lisbon Local Health Unit EPE. He is course director of the ESNR (European Society of Neuroradiology), Diagnostic and Interventional. He is Honorary member of the Spanish Neuroradiology Society (Sociedad Española de Neurorradiologia (SENR). He served as the president of the Portuguese Neuroradiology Society (Sociedade Portuguesa de Neurorradiologia) (2012 – 2017).

Prof. Rolf Jäger is neuroradiologist at the UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology and Consultant Neuroradiologist at The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery and at University College Hospital (UCH).

His current clinical practice is in Diagnostic Neuroradiology with subspecialist areas of expertise in Neurovascular Diseases, Neuro-oncology, Neurodegeneration and Neuroinfectious Diseases. He is leading the clinical implementation of advanced MRI techniques such as arterial spin labelling perfusion imaging, extra- and intracranial vessel wall imaging and susceptibility weighted imaging, which help advancing our understanding of stroke mechanisms.

Prof. Andrea Rossi is Neuroradiology Division Chief at the Gaslini Children’s Hospital and Professor of Neuroradiology at the University of Genoa. His scientific activity is focused on Pediatric Neuroradiology. He is the current President of the European Society of Neuroradiology (ESNR), he is also a board member of the European Board of Neuroradiology (EBNR) and the Past-President of the Italian Association of Neuroradiology (AINR). He will serve as Co-President of the 1st European Pediatric Neuroradiology Congress.

Prof. Harriet C. Thoeny is Chairperson of the department of Radiology at the University Hospital of Fribourg. Her main research interests are Functional MRI with main applications in urogenital and head & neck Radiology as well as cancer imaging and gadolinium-based contrast agents. She is the Current chair of the International Advisory Committee of RSNA.

She has served as president of European Society of Urogenital Radiology (ESUR).

Prof. Bruno Vande Berg is radiologist at the  Cliniques universitaires St Luc, and he has served as the chairman of the department of radiology of the Cliniques universitaires St Luc from 2004 to 2014. He is specialized in musculoskeletal radiology. He is Chairman of the Commission ministérielle d’Agrément francophone en Radiodiagnostic (Ministry of Health) since 2009.

Prof. Dr. K. Verstraete is full professor of Radiology at the Ghent University and Academic Chief of the department of Radiology at the Ghent University hospital. He was president of the ESSR (European society of Musculoskeletal Radiology) and is currently member of the steering committee of the ESOR (European School of Radiology).

He is specialized in musculoskeletal radiology with a special interest in dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI, bone and soft tissue tumors, and trauma imaging.

Prof. Andrea Rockall is Clinical Chair in Radiology at Imperial College London and Honorary Consultant Radiologist at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, with clinical expertise in genito-urinary imaging. She was awarded the Rohan Williams Medal (Gold Medal) for the FRCR examination. She has served as Chair of the Female Pelvic Imaging group of ESUR, member of O-RADS steering committee. She is board member of the European Society of Radiology and will be President of 2025 ECR.

Prof. Minerva Becker is Full Professor of Radiology and Chief of Unit of Head and Neck and Maxillo-facial Radiology, Geneva University Hospitals, Geneva University. Her main fields of research and clinical expertise include head and neck oncology, base of the skull and post-treatment imaging, salivary glands, dento-maxillo-facial radiology, as well as implementation of new imaging techniques (multiparametric MRI, hybrid imaging…). She is currently the 1st Vice President of the ESR and will be President of 2026 ECR.